Delhi-NCR has overtaken Bengaluru and Mumbai in terms of setting up startups. Research firms TIE Delhi-NCR and Zinnov have submitted a report by cities on setting up startups across the country. According to this report, 7000 startups and 10 unicorns have been established in Delhi-NCR so far and their potential value is around $ 50 billion i.e. around Rs 3.59 lakh crore. It is followed by Bengaluru with 5,234 startups, Mumbai with 3829 startups and Hyderabad with 1940 startups. All these startups have been established between 2009 and 2019.
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23% of Country’s Startups in Delhi-NCR
The report, titled Turbocharging Delhi-NCR Startup Ecosystem, states that Delhi-NCR accounts for 23% of the start-ups set up across the country.
So far 7,039 startups have been established here. It is followed by Bengaluru with 5,234 startups, Mumbai with 3829 startups and Hyderabad with 1940 startups.
All these startups have been established between 2009 and 2019. Talking about all the start-ups of Delhi-NCR, 4491 startups have been set up in Delhi, 1544 in Gurugram and 1004 in Noida.
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The report says that Delhi-NCR has the highest number of 10 unicorns in the country, whose companies are worth more than $ 1 billion, or about Rs 7100 crore.
President of TIE Delhi-NCR, Rajan Anandan said that the speed of NCR’s startup ecosystem is incredible. Despite the progress so far, we believe that we are still in Day One.
With a focus on the most important areas, NCR has the potential to create a Top 5 Global Hub for startups, bring in leading innovations in many areas, create many more startups and at least 30 unicorns in NCR by 2025.
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