To compete with JioFiber, Bharti Airtel has launched Airtel Xstream Fiber. Airtel extreme fiber users will get unlimited broadband at a speed of 1Gbps for the price of Rs 3999 per month. With this, you will be able to make unlimited landline calls on any network. Apart from this, customers will get all the benefits of Airtel like Netflix Subscription Free for three months, Amazon Prime Membership for 1 year, ZEE5 and Airtel Extreme App.
From September 11, Airtel Extreme Fiber is available in Delhi, Gurgaon, Faridabad, Noida, Ghaziabad, Mumbai, Pune, Bangalore, Chennai, Chandigarh, Kolkata, Indore, Jaipur and Ahmedabad cities. In the coming time, Airtel is planning to launch it in other cities as well.
Airtel hybrid smart box will be available with
Customers will also get an Android-based OTT Smart stick and an Android-based 4K hybrid smart box with the Airtel Extreme device. With this, you will be able to watch satellite TV and OTT content on a single device i.e. your home TV. Customers can view the content on their TV, computer or smartphone according to their mind. With Airtel Extreme, customers will be able to enjoy more than 100 satellite TV channels, shows and movies in more than 10,000 different languages, millions of songs and OTT apps on the same platform.
The price of JioFiber monthly plan has been kept from Rs 699 to Rs 8499. These plans are Bronze, Silver, Gold, Diamond, Platinum and Titanium.
Under JioFiber broadband service, users will get speeds from 100 Mbps to 1 Gbps. Jio Fiber’s services include free domestic voice calling, conferencing, international calling, TV video calling and conferencing, entertainment OTT apps, gaming, home networking, device security, VR experience, premium content platforms.
JioFiber Welcome Offer
Along with JioFiber, the company has also brought welcome offers. Under this, the company is providing Jio Home Gateway, Jio 4K set-top box, 4K or HD television set, subscription of all favorite OTT apps, unlimited voice and data to every JioFiber user on taking the JioForver annual plan.
The user can choose the welcome offer of his choice. The set-top box will be a one-stop solution under JioFiber service. Broadband service, high-speed video conferencing, mixed reality applications, multiplayer online gaming, and live TV can also be accessed through this.