Aaah! The answer to the aforementioned can only be drawn out after an enlightening discussion over the two subjects in conflict – Influencer Marketing vs Traditional Marketing. So, let’s dive directly into it and conclude effectively.
As consumers, we have taken giant leaps and evolved as competent and research-driven individuals. We no longer see a TV advertisement and think about our stances over buying the projected product or service. We delve into research, jump into the online world and seek out whatever we can about the product, compare other consumers’ reviews and then stand on a decision later. As much as this refashioned process depicts the behavioural patterns of consumers in enormous, it also hints at the companies to shift their form of marketing and adapt to the newly adapted consumption patterns of their potential consumers.
We only had traditional marketing in the early days, and thus that was the only way one could spread a message to a considerable number of individuals. The way the pattern of content consumption and the media landscape has been taking shifts for a while now, with a single person daily, consumes content through multiple channels or even devices. Currently, there isn’t a single reason for this propagation of media, but the major is the rise in smartphone ownership and the increase in usage. Consider this; you’re most probably reading this article on a smartphone or a similar device. The increase in the number of platforms only creates chaos and mayhem for the advertisers, as the only goal they pursue is to reach as many people as possible with the increase in penetration. Influencer Marketing has emerged in recent times as one of the best, most affordable and most beneficial ways to reach consumers on their most personal gadgets and connect to them after that. Before we discuss the same, let us understand the significance and nature of traditional marketing such as TV commercials, radio ads, etc.
Influencer Marketing over TV
We need to give the credits where it’s due and address the significance TV has had in the spectrum of marketing. The statistics and survey show that TV has been more effective to those brands’ revenue and reach in general than those who do not use TV as their means of advertisements. But we wish we could say the same now with the exact authenticity since we’re in the mid of worldwide Covid induced lockdowns and restrictions. There is no rejecting that TV has a lot to bring to the table of advertisers and brands. Nonetheless, the divided idea of our media and individuals’ smartphone use implies that it is presently uncommon for individuals to sit in front of the TV in complete solitude, which is one of the major concerns for today’s generation.
Some surveys even get us the most driving results for our predictions on whether influencer marketing can or has already taken over the traditional. Through recently conducted surveys in the US and the UK, we find out that most individuals only spend half of their watch time focused on TV screens, as they turn their focus now and then check on their phones. It is also observed that almost 98% of smartphone users keep their phones along, even when they watch TVs. It is entirely understandable if you find the statistics a little over the top. Still, we need to understand and observe within ourselves and only then draw out the reliability of these numbers. Being updated on social media platforms, keeping up with the news has become a part of our daily, habitual and addictive. For some individuals, it’s the first thing they do when they awaken and the last thing they do before nodding off – pervading their whole day.
Who are these suitable influencers?
It is undoubtedly of high relevance to inquire about the definition of an influencer who is also suitable to brands and their marketing motives. Sponsors, brands, and advertisers require a more extensive perspective on who can assist a brand with making an impact; they also need to re-evaluate how they join forces with these individuals or bodies.
Influencers could be a production company, or just individuals joined in for producing content. They are splendid content creators, after all. As lockdown grasps the country again, we should take a gander at how we may utilise them to make extra content of value and philosophy for brands meanwhile. Influencer marketing is a squandered venture despite its apparent benefits if you are not working with the correct ones. Keep in mind that it’s enticing to utilise single-metric definitions like the number of unique visitors on your website or the followers on social media handles, but it’s imperative to look further.
The response to the inquiry “how powerful is somebody on the web?” is “it depends.” Before a brand decides on the influencer, they should, by all means, consider few points like the relevance of the influencer. Before taking a gander at unique visits and other static measurements, it’s essential to see how adjusted a blogger’s content is with their brand’s informing, motives, ideas and image.
Not more, but better
Influencer marketing is not the same as before and is gradually taking the leap from quantity to quality. What started as a one-time endorsement has now become long-term partnered ventures that serve both parties in their motives. It is high time that we rethink our stances on influencers. An influencer can be anyone from a young girl on Instagram with millions of followers or a giant team of super-smart individuals who understand marketing and reach.
Yes, traditional marketing continues to exist and work in areas where the internet has failed to reach, which by the way, is very rare. But the rapid rise in the reach of the internet and influence is not to be ignored in any circumstance. The instant and enormous reach a brand gets through promoting its service or product by employing an influencer are not exaggerated statistics. One of the crucial benefits of Influencer Marketing is the capacity for brands to target both expansive and speciality crowds and socioeconomics. By working with influencers who spend significant time in a particular class of product or service or a theme, such as gaming, design, tech, or wellness, brands can infer rich crowd experiences. Also, brands acquire direct admittance to an all-around grounded and confiding section of potential consumers.
It’s no big surprise that most advertisers and brands find that influencer marketing plants their image before better-qualified consumers. Brands likewise build trust through tapping on to the influence these influencers already have on these individuals. And this is why brands, more than often, go out of their way to track down the influencers who would likely be the most suitable to their brands’ motives. Once brands figure out their choice of influencer for their marketing endeavours, they can then request the influencer to provide an insight into their followers and their socioeconomics. Once received, brands can tailor and design their adverts for potential consumers’ specified and targeted demographic.
Both Traditional and Influencer marketing has a task to carry out in our marketing motives. In this way, inquiring about whether influencer marketing will overtake Traditional advertising is somewhat an odd question. Our endeavours ought to be spent asking how we can best join the two, create changes like never before, and reach people like no other brands. How might we play each to their qualities to make an engaging brand experience both on the web and elsewhere? Tracking down the correct method to associate them with your potential demographic of consumers is the place where the magic lies.
Article By: Mr. Raminder Singh- CEO, Celebfie